Privacy notice

1. Responsible party Domicile

Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., with domicile located at Calle 31 Poniente, Número 4128, Piso 8, Colonia Reforma Sur, Puebla, Puebla, México, C.P. 72160, in accordance with the Federal Act for Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and the Regulations thereto (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Act”), shall be liable for the treatment, use, storage, and transfer of your personal information. Said information may include: full name; age; address; gender; Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC) Number; e-address; phone numbers; copy of official photo ID [passport, voter registration card; professional ID; migratory permit (if applicable)]; video recordings made in the offices of Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C.; Sole Population Registry Number (CURP); notarized power of attorney issued by your principal; and the company name and your position (hereinafter referred to as the “Personal Data”). Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., commits to safeguarding the Personal Data with the highest levels of legal, technological, and administrative security, as well as to not sell, lease, share, nor disclose the Personal Data to third parties for illicit purposes.

2. Purpose

The purpose of this Privacy Notice is to: protect your Personal Data by way of the lawful, controlled, and informed use of same; establish the purposes for which your Personal Data will be used; and describe the mechanisms for exercising your rights under the Act, in order to guarantee your privacy and your right to informational self-determination.As the party responsible for the treatment of your Personal Data, Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., is required to comply with the principles of lawfulness, consent, reporting, quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality, and responsibility protected by the Act. To that end, and based upon Articles 13 and 14 of the Act, Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., commits to make reasonable efforts to limit the period for treating the Personal Data and maintain the administrative, technical, and physical security measures for protecting same against any damage, loss, theft, alteration, access, or unauthorized treatment. For Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., the treatment of your Personal Data in a lawful manner in accordance with the Act is a priority. This Privacy Notice complements any other simplified or abbreviated privacy notices that Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., may have placed at your disposition in your capacity as owner of your Personal Data, and shall be deemed suppletory with respect to all aspects not expressly stated in such other notices.

3. Objectives

Without the intent to disclose nor use your Personal Data for commercial purposes, Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., shall collect and treat same only for the following primary objectives:
Establish contact with those persons who have so requested.
Respond to a request for information regarding the provision of legal services.

Proceed with and follow up on the legal services contracted with Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C.
Keep current the legal relationship existing between you and Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C.
Carry out activities related to the invoicing of the legal services provided and to clarify said invoices and follow-up on the collection of same.
Send notifications referring to changes made to this Privacy Notice.
Send communications regarding legal services in process or already provided.
Contracting of the services offered by Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C.
Formalization of the relationship between you and Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., by way of agreements or other documents.
Comply with legal requirements from the applicable authorities.
Comply with the obligations contracted with the owner of the Personal Data.
Control the access, registration, and surveillance of visitors to the offices of Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C.

Likewise, Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., may treat your Personal Data for the following secondary objectives:
Sending of information, newsletters, legal notices, or information of interest to you, such as news, communications, or publicity related to Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C.
Sending of invitations to conferences, seminars, or events in which Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., will participate.
Sending of information related to new services offered by Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C.
Surveys regarding the level of satisfaction with the services provided by Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C.
In the event you do not want your Personal Data used for the secondary objectives mentioned above, you may notify us of your preference using the mechanism described in Item 7 of this Privacy Notice.

It should be noted that Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., shall not be liable for the veracity or accuracy of the Personal Data you provide to us, as same have not been previously validated nor verified.

4. Obtaining of the Personal Data and Term of Treatment of Same

Your Personal Data shall be subject to treatment for so long as there exists a commercial, contractual, or legal relationship between you and Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., which may be extended whenever so required by the applicable Mexican legislation. You may object to the handling of same at any time you deem fit by applying the mechanism described in Item 7 of this Privacy Notice, or if applicable, at such time as said Personal Data are no longer needed for purposes of fulfilling the objectives set forth in Item 3 hereof and in the applicable legal provisions. In such event your Personal Data shall be eliminated in accordance with Article 11 (second paragraph) of the Act.

Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., may obtain your Personal Data through the digital setting, including from; electronic communications with Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., during the commercial or contractual relationship; correspondence; business cards; telephonic communications; and printed or electronic forms that have been filled out.
Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., uses various technological means to improve the efficiency of its website (the “Website”), including your browsing thereof. Said technologies include the use of cookies. ‘Cookies’ are small parcels of information stored in each user’s browser that allow the server to remember certain information for subsequent use. This information allows your personal preferences to be identified and saved to facilitate your browsing of the Website. You may inactivate or adjust the use of cookies by following the procedures indicated by the Internet browser you use.

5. Transfer of Your Personal Data

Based upon the preceding, you expressly accept and authorize Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., to transfer your Personal Data, whether within or outside the territory of the United Mexican States, for purposes of fulfilling the objectives set forth in Item 3 hereof. Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., may also transfer Personal Data in the following cases:
Third party service providers, for compliance with the owner’s legal obligations.

Third party providers of research, data analysis, and information-delivery services focused on the needs of the owner of the Personal Data, as well as for purposes of performing other services needed or required by the owner of the Personal Data.
Third parties derived from any corporate restructuring process, including mergers, consolidations, sales, liquidations, or asset transfers.
Third party providers of legal services in Mexico or abroad that work together with Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., as well as notaries and public brokers.

Affiliates or subsidiaries of Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C.
The third parties and entities that receive the Personal Data shall assume the same obligations and/or responsibilities as Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Notice.
The Act requires that we obtain your consent before any transfer to third parties other than those indicated in the list above. If you do not deny consent for such transfers, it shall be understood that you have given such consent to Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C. To deny such consent, please follow the procedure described in Item 7 of this Privacy Notice.

6. Amendments

This Privacy Notice may be amended, changed, or updated at any time based upon: new statutory requirements; the needs of the privacy policies and practices of Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C.; business model variations; other reasons. In the event Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., needs to make any change to this Privacy Notice, you shall be notified by way of any of the following means:

Notices posted at the domicile of Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C.
Publication in the Privacy Notice page of the Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., Website.
E-mail sent to the e-address provided by the owner of the Personal Data.
Publications issued by Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., whether by way of printed, electronic, or digital means.
Any other public or private means of communication as may be determined by Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., according to law.

7. Procedure for Exercising Your ARCO Rights

In the terms set forth in the Act, you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition (ARCO) to the treatment of your Personal Data, by way of request sent by e-mail to: or submitted in writing to our domicile located at: Calle 31 Poniente, Número 4128, Piso 8, Colonia Reforma Sur, Puebla, Puebla, México, C.P. 72160.
In compliance with Article 29 of the Act, said request must contain the following data:

Your name, address, or other means for receiving the response to your request.
Documents that accredit your identity or, if applicable, the legal representation of the person who makes the request on your behalf;
A clear and accurate description of the Personal Data regarding which you wish to exercise any of the rights mentioned in the preceding paragraph. Any other element or document to facilitate the location and identification of your Personal Data.
In the event you request rectification of your Personal Data, you must also indicate the modification(s) to be made and provide the necessary official documentation to support your request.
The response to your request will be communicated within a period of twenty business days following the effective date of reception of your request. Said period may be extended by an additional twenty business days in the cases foreseen in the Act so that, if applicable, the measures adopted to comply with your request may be carried out, for which purpose a period of fifteen business days is allowed following the date on which the corresponding response is communicated.
Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., may deny the access, rectification, cancellation, or opposition to the treatment of the Personal Data in the following cases:
When the requesting party is not the owner of the Personal Data, or the legal representative is not duly authorized by the owner of the Personal Data.
When the Personal Data of the requesting party can not be found in the database of Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C.
When such access, rectification, cancellation, or opposition may infringe third party rights.
When there exists a legal impediment or a ruling from an applicable authority that restricts access to the Personal Data or prohibits the rectification, cancellation, or opposition of same.
When the respective ARCO Rights have already been exercised by the owner of the Personal Data or his/her representative.

8. Revocation of Consent

You may revoke your consent to the treatment of your Personal Data. It is important, however, to take into account that in some cases Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., may not be able to comply with your request or cease such use immediately. It is possible that, due to certain legal obligations, Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C., may be required to continue treating your Personal Data. You should also consider that, for certain purposes, revocation of your consent may imply termination of your commercial or legal relationship with Rivadeneyra, Treviño y De Campo, S.C. In order to revoke your consent, your request to do so must be submitted in the terms set forth in Item 7 of this Privacy Notice.

You are hereby informed that if you wish to submit a complaint or a request for additional information regarding the treatment of your Personal Data or regarding the Act, you may contact the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information, and Protection of Personal Data (INAI). Updated: June 2021