13 de Junio de 2023
On June 8 of this year, the new NOM-037-STPS-2023 was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation, through which Teleworking and Health and Safety Conditions at Work are regulated under this modality.
It is worth mentioning that this Official Mexican Standard will come into force 180 calendar days after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation, so employers who use this modality of work will have this period to implement and comply with the new obligations that are established. they impose.
In order to specifically define the actions that work centers must carry out and the main obligations that must be fulfilled in order to avoid the imposition of fines by the Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare, we make the following checks available to you. list for compliance verification.
Regarding the main obligations established by this Official Mexican Standard for employers, they are the following, among others:
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Regarding the main obligations established by this Official Mexican Standard for collaborators, they are the following, among others:
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At Rivadeneyra, Treviño y de Campo S.C., we are monitoring compliance with this Official Mexican Standard in order to provide you with the legal advice that you may require. This document is prepared for informational purposes. The content should not be considered legal advice or opinion.
We remain at your disposal for any questions that may arise regarding this newsletter, hoping that the information contained will be useful to you.

Rivadeneyra, Treviño y de Campo
Laboral y Seguridad Social
Jesús González Sampedro
Estefanía Lozano Rojas