The Regulatory Law handles both preventive and corrective actions to help companies comply with their statutory obligations based on the type of company, sector of activity, types of processes, number of workers, and substances handled. We start by identifying the applicable legislation so that your company can properly follow up on actions and good practices and become a socially aware and responsible company that is correctly managed before the three levels of government (federal, state, and municipal).
Our attorneys analyze proposed or existing operations in Mexico to identify the requirements, licenses, and permits your activity requires, in order to establish the best strategy for your operations with respect to the authorities. This can include designing strategies for: complying with municipal ordinances; security aspects with civil protection agencies; environmental compliance with respect to impact statements, hazardous waste and other waste products requiring special handling, atmospheric emissions, green taxes, and water supply, discharge, and treatment; health compliance issues; energy compliance aspects with the Secretariat of Energy (SENER) and the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE); and compliance with Secretariat of Labor and Pensions regulations.
In similar fashion, we negotiate and manage before the applicable authorities any administrative procedures that may be brought against your company based on its operation.
The Regulatory Law Area carries out the following activities:
- Advising and preparation of documentation to obtain concessions, licenses, and permits from the three levels of government.
- Preparation of applications for obtaining the necessary environmental permits.
- Preparation and presentation of reports and registrations with federal, state, and municipal agencies.
- Advising with respect to natural resources.
- Administrative litigation.
- Appeal proceedings.
- Nullification proceedings.
- Injunction petitions.