In the current global market a company’s performance can not be limited only to the domestic market. Entering international markets, however, demands extensive planning and resources.
Rivadeneyra, Treviño, has the experience needed to provide consulting services and counsel for the strategic development of company internationalization.
Accompanying our clients at every step, from planning through execution, we provide logistical, legal, and tax solutions that provide support to the internationalization strategies in the destination country, thus offering security and confidence for our clients by placing in their hands our network of contacts to help them access the target market.
We have strategic alliances in several countries to support your internationalization plans.
The Internationalization Area carries out the following activities:
- Scheduling of tailored business agendas and proper follow-up on same.
- Coordination of participation in domestic and international business expos.
- Commercial Missions: Organization and scheduling of technical or commercial visits for specific corporate groups in Mexico and abroad.
- Follow-up on prior commercial introductions
- Market research and studies.
- Analysis of the competition.
- Selection of distribution networks for marketing your products.
- Search for distribution channels.
- Identification of partners for investment projects and commercial contacts.